Translate the Rubik's Cube solver

The online Rubik's Cube solver is used by 2-3000 people every day. We have visitors from all over the World, mainly young people use this free online application. Help us translate the program to your language so everyone can use it even if they don't speak English very well.

Translate the 11 key phrases and the short user's guide below to your language and send your copy to us so we can publish it:

Your help is much appreciated! 🙂

Many thanks to Timo Gosch for the German, Dennis Boychuk for the Ukrainian, Pantano Viola for the Italian, Lakshini Anuruddika Perera for the French, Caio Maia for the Portuguese, Niels de Jonge for the Dutch and to Raul Morales for the Spanish translations.

1. Help
2. Animate rotations
3. Back to scramble
4. Speed
5. Reset
6. Scramble
7. Solve
8. Share this page
9. Related links
10. Invalid scramble
11. Return to the English version

Online Rubik's Cube solver program

With this online Rubik's Cube solver program you can easily calculate the solution for your 3x3x3 puzzle. Simply set the colors of the scrambled cube, hit the 'Solve' button and the program will show you the steps leading to the solution. Or to practice solving the cube online, just press the 'Scramble' button and try to solve it using the rotation buttons or your keyboard.

Choose how you want the program to display the cube on your screen on the top of the page or click the 'Help' button to see some indications.

You can set up the scrambled cube with the rotation buttons or picking a color on the palette then pasting it on the Rubik's Cube. Doing repeated clicks on a field will also change it's color. Apply a random scramble and reset the cube to the solved state with the allocated buttons.

When you've set up the colors press the 'Solve' button.
Applying the solution

The program finds the solution of the Rubik's Cube in about 70 steps using a layer-by-layer method.

Before you begin to do the rotations orient the cube in your hands the way the program is showing. Probably this will be different from how you held the cube when you set up the colors.

If it helps you can play back the animated solution with the desired speed. Be careful because if you make a wrong turn you end up with a scrambled cube.

Hope this program was helpful and you could solve your Rubik's Cube.
