More Rubik's Cube jokes

When your cube needs help going home in hurricane That's a nice setup nerd heard leader starter pack From your nightmares hello dumb kid Your cube might become a chewing toy soon dog reaches It shall bring good luck to Bad Luck Brian YJ lucky cat cube Cubing in quarantine quarantine cubing 5 sides solved? 5 sides solved Trying your new cube for the first time impress That's impossible liar batman slapping robin Why does it take so long? skeleton I'm doing something wrong slow solves Teaching a beginner to solve rubiks twist joke meme That's an impossible scramble you are dumb Happy Birthday Tom! hangman meme A puzzle for blondes pink cube blondes It's just a beginner's thing... solve one side rubiks Illusion rubiks nightmare A Rubik's Triangle rubiks triangle We all know the original Rubik's Cube brand. seven towns hard turn cube Cube first, homework second no homework A real "cube" real cube curves Not easy to figure out someone elses shower We only do this when our cube becomes unsolvable cheater corner flip 4.74 seconds to be more precise... yeah but the record
