Ruwix Sitemap
Use the sitemap below to easily find the page you're looking for. Here are listed all links from this website categorized in a readable tree view. Use the search bar on the right of the page to search in the contents.
Rubik's Cube and Twisty Puzzle Wiki - Ruwix Home
- About Ruwix - The Rubik's Cube Wiki
- Amazing Rubik's Cube facts
- Ruwix Blog - The Latest Rubik's Cube News
- 25 Amazing Rubik's Cube Facts
- 33x33x33 Rubik's Cube - World Record
- 34x34x34 Rubik's Cube Record By Matt Bahner
- Become a publisher on Ruwix! Submit an article!
- Cubing monsters - Short cartoon with the Rubik's Cube
- New World record - Collin Burns 5.25
- Cube 3x3 Competition - Write and Win!
- Cubers win Romania's Got Talent 2015
- CubeTimer updates
- Easy Rider bike shop Tirgu Mures
- Can an IQ Level Guarantee the Ability to Solve a Rubik's Cube?
- New Rubik's Cube World Record by Feliks Zemdegs
- Feliks Zemdegs World Record: 4.73s
- Feliks Zemdegs tied the Rubik's Cube World Record
- Feliks Zemdegs world record average: 5.97 seconds
- Gaspo GPO Snowblades
- How to win a million with the Rubik's Cube
- Happy New Year with lots of Rubik's Cubes
- How Coronavirus Affected Cubing Competitions in 2020
- How we maintain Ruwix
- JavaScript volume slider control
- New Rubik's Cube World Record: Lucas Etter 4.90
- Mats Valk World Record: 4.74s
- Max Park: 3.13 - New Rubik's Cube Single Record
- New Rubik's Cube Notation widget
- New Rubik's Cube Solver Update
- New Twitter Widge
- Changes to the World Cube Association Regulations in 2018
- Non-Cubers say the Darndest Things
- Online NxNxN Rubik's Cube Simulator
- Free eCommerce solutions
- Pictures you've got to check twice
- Presenting the 28x28x28 Rubik's Cube?
- Best YouTube comments ever
- Top 3 Languages to Program Rubik's Cube
- RailRush flash game
- Rubicon: Cubindom 3D Strategy Game
- The Effect of Using Rubik's Cube on Child Brain Activity: 8 Wonderful Perks of Speedcubing
- Amazing Rubik’s Cube Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
- How to put a Rubik's Cube in a bottle?
- Rubik's Cube World Championships 2017 Paris
- Rubik's Cube World Record - Patrick Ponce 4.69
- Most Important Rubik's Cubing Headlines in 2020
- Rubik's cube solver updates in 2012
- Santa Claus Rubik's Cube - Christmas 2022
- Rubik's Cube World Record: SeungBeom Cho 4.59
- Shredding a Rubik's Cube
- Simple JavaScript HTML CSS progress bar
- Simple JavaScript page scroll
- First experiences and stories on how people learned to solve Rubik's Cube
- Rubik's Cube SpongeBob: 3D Pen Drawing
- Spot the difference game
- The best free blogging websites
- World's largest order 22x22x22 Rubik's Cube
- Tony Fisher's largest Rubik's Cube
- Translate the Rubik's Cube solver
- Donald Trump Rubik's Cube: 3D Print Timelapse
- Tymon Kolasinski - Rubik's Cube Average World Record
- Useful links for web developers
- Valentine's Day Rubik's Cube
- Why Speedcubers Dislike Rubik's Branded Products
- Will Smith demonstrating how to solve the Rubik's Cube
- YiHeng Wang Broke the Rubik's Cube Average Record with 4.36 Seconds
- World's largest Rubik's Cube - 1.68m
- New Rubik's Cube Average Record: YiHeng Wang 4.25
- The 49x49x49 Rubik's Cube Record
- Yiheng Wang sets 4:48 Rubik's Cube Average Record
- New Rubik's Cube Record: Yiheng Wang - 4.69 sec
- New Rubik's Cube record: Yusheng Du - 3.47 seconds
- Contact Ruwix
- Contribute to the Rubik's Cube Wiki
- Dénes Ferenc, the Author of Ruwix
- Ruwix - Scrolling home page
- Mobile Rubiks Cube Solver
- Online Rubik's Cube Simulator
- Online Rubik's Revenge (4x4x4 Cube) Simulator
- Online 5x5x5 Rubik's Professor's Cube Simulator
- Online Rubik's Clock Puzzle Simulator
- Online 3D Megaminx Puzzle Simulator
- Online Pyraminx Simulator
- Online 3D Square-1 Puzzle Simulator
- Online Skewb Puzzle Simulator
- Online 2D Rubik's Cube Simulator
- 6x6x6 Rubik's Cube Puzzle Simulator
- 7x7x7 Rubik's Cube Simulator
- Online 8x8x8 Rubik's Cube Simulator
- Online 9x9x9 Rubik's Cube Simulator
- 10x10x10 Rubik's Cube simulator
- Largest NxNxN Rubik's Cube simulator: 11x11x11
- Online 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube (Pocket Cube) Simulator
- Online Rubik's Cube Simulator
- Online Rubik's Cube Solver App
- CubeTimer - Online Rubik's Cube Timer by Ruwix
- CubeTimer - Online Rubik's Cube Timer by Ruwix
- Twisty Puzzle Scramble Generator
- Rubik's Clock Scramble Generator
- Pyraminx Scramble Generator
- 5x5x5 Puzzle Scramble Generator
- Megaminx Scramble Generator
- Square-1 Scramble Generator
- 6x6x6 Scramble Generator
- 7x7x7 Scramble Generator
- 8x8x8 Scramble Generator
- 9x9x9 Scramble Generator
- 11x11x11 Scramble Generator
- 2x2x2 Scramble Generator
- 3x3 Puzzle Scramble Generator
- 4x4x4 Scramble Generator
- 10x10x10 Scramble Generator
- Pyraminx Puzzle Scramble Generator
- Skewb Scramble Generator
- Random Number Generator
- Online Puzzle Scramble Generators
- Online Rubik's Cube Mosaic Generator
- Online Rubik's Cube Programs and Apps
- Rubik's Cube Widgets
- Official Rubik's Cube Scrambler
- Rubik's Cube Solver XXL
- Online Stopwatch Widget
- Rubik's Cube Notation Widget
- Rubik's Cube Solver for mobile devices
- Rubik's Cube Solver Widget - Medium
- Rubik's Cube Solver - landscape version
- Simple Rubik's Scramble Generator
- Small Rubik's Stopwatch widget for mobile browsers
- Large Rubik's Timer widget
- Rubiks Stopwatch XL size
- Rubiks Stopwatch XXL
- Rubik's Cube algorithm widget editor
- Rubik's Cube and Puzzle Shops - The Best Cube Puzzle Stores
- Ruwix Sitemap
- Site Styles
- Terms and Conditions/Privacy
- Rubik's Cube - The Most Popular Puzzle In The World
- Rubik's Cube solution with advanced Fridrich (CFOP) method
- Rubik's Cube Algorithms
- How Popular is the Rubik's Cube exactly?
- Beyond Rubik's Cube Travelling Exhibition
- Celebrities playing with the Rubik's Cube
- Commutators and conjugates on the Rubik's Cube
- What is Corner Cutting for Rubik's Cube and Twisty Puzzles?
- Famous Cubing Personalities
- Cubing Terminology - Abbreviations and Commonly Used Expressions
- Rubik's Cube Curriculum Lessons for Educators
- Different Rubik's Cube Solving Methods
- An Essay about the Rubik's Cube - 1400 words
- FAQ - The most common questions about the Rubik's Cube
- Feet Solving the Rubik's Cube - Official WCA Event
- Finger tricks - Get Faster At Rubik's Cubing
- The first Rubik’s Cube Prototype - The invention of Erno Rubik
- Fewest Move Count (FMC) Rubik's Cube Event
- God's Number - Looking for the optimal Rubik's Cube solution
- The Guide to a WCA Competition Solve
- Herbert Kociemba's optimal Rubik's Cube solver - Cube Explorer
- The History of the Rubik's Cube World Records
- History of the Rubik's Cube puzzle game
- How to take apart the Rubik's Cube and put it back together
- How to solve the Rubik's Cube - Beginners Method
- How to solve the Rubik's Cube - Beginners Method
- Orient last layer corners on your Rubik's Cube
- Step 1: First Layer Edges
- How To Solve The White Corners in The First Layer Of The Rubik's Cube
- How to make a yellow cross on the top of the Rubik's Cube?
- How to swap two yellow edges in the top layer of the Rubik's Cube
- Position the yellow corners of the Rubik's Cube
- How to solve the second layer of the Rubik’s Cube (F2L)
- How to solve the Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded - Tutorial
- Rubik's Cube Color Schemes - Western and Japanese
- Rubik's Cube and Juggling
- Rubik's Cube Robots - Lego robots solving the Cube
- Creative Ways to Combine Rubik’s Cube and LEGO
- Lubricate your Rubik's Cube with silicone or petroleum jelly
- Rubik's Cube Magic Tricks by Steven Brundage and Paul Vu
- Mathematics of the Rubik's Cube - Permutation Group
- Rubik's Cube Museum
- Rubik's Cube and Twisty Puzzle Collections
- Rubik's Cube Notation - What the rotation letters mean: F R' U2
- One-Handed Rubik's Cube Speedsolving - History And Methods
- The Rubik's Cube in Popular Culture - Media, Art, Movies
- The Rubik’s Cube in Art - Mosaics, Street Art, Tattoos, T-Shirts
- The Rubik's Cube in Architecture - Cube Buildings
- Appearances of the Rubik's Cube in Commercials and Ad Campaigns
- The Rubik’s Cube in Movies
- The Rubik's Cube in Music Videos and Songs about the Cube
- Rubikubism - Rubik's Cube Pixel Art Mosaics
- Rubik's Cube Statues and Sculptures
- Rubik's Cube and twisty puzzle stores around the World
- Red Bull, WCA and Rubik's Cube Competitions - The Controversy
- Rubik Speedsolving Association (RSA) - by Erno Rubik
- Rubik’s Cube Competitions – What to expect
- Rubik's Cube Competitions - WCA
- Rubik's Cube image generator
- Rubik's Cube Java Applet program
- Funny Rubik’s Cube images, memes, trolls :)
- The Rubik's Cube Patent - Intellectual Property - Trademark
- Pretty Rubik's Cube patterns with algorithms
- Ranking Twisty Puzzles From Easy to the Hardest
- Rubik's Cube and Twisty Puzzle Quiz
- Rubik's Cube and puzzle stickers
- Rubik's Cube widgets and plugins
- Rubik's Cube Themed Gifts
- Stackmat and Other Speedcubing Timers
- The Most Influential Rubik’s Cube Speedcubers
- Speedcubing - Speedsolving the Rubik's Cube
- YouCubers - The Best Rubik's Cubing YouTube Channels
- The Best SpeedCube SpeedCube Brands - For speedcubers
- Rubik Erno, the inventor of the Magic Cube
- Cool Rubik's Cube Tricks - Extreme Cubing
- Twisty Puzzle Sticker Calculator
- Unsolvable Rubik's Cube - Invalid scramble
- A quick overview of the WCA Regulations
- The World Cube Association - WCA
- You Can Do the Cube by Patrick Bossert - 1981
- Twisty Puzzles - 3D mechanical Rubik's Cube-like puzzles
- 1x1x1 Rubik's Cube Puzzle - How To Solve The Cube?
- 2x2 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's solution tutorial with algorithms
- 2x2xN Cuboid Puzzles - Solution of 2x2x3 and 2x2x4 Tower Cubes
- Domino Cube - The 2x3x3 Rubik's Cube Twisty Puzzle
- Rubik's Cube Shape Mods: Mirror, Fisher, Mastermorphix etc.
- 3x3x4 Cube Puzzle - How to solve the 3x3x4 Rubik's Cube
- How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method
- 5x3x3 and 7x3x3 Rubik's Cubes solutions
- 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube -How to solve the Professor's Cube
- Bandaged Cube Puzzles: Bicube, Lego, Constrained and Latch Cube
- Solution of Big NxNxN Rubik's Cubes (4x4, 5x5... 34x34)
- Crossword Puzzles for Children
- Cuboid Twisty Puzzles - Shapeshifting -Common Shapes and Sizes
- The Curvy Copter Puzzle and Jumbling
- DaYan Gem twisty puzzle family - 8 puzzles
- Puzzle Designers - Tony Fisher, Uwe Meffert, Oskar Van Deventer
- The Dino Cube - Puzzle Review and Solution Tutorial
- Edges Only Void Cube - Overview and Solution Tutorial
- Electronic Rubik's Cube Puzzles - Touch, Futuro, Slide, Spark
- Gear Cube Extreme and Ultimate - How to solve them easily?
- How to Solve a Gear Shift Twisty Puzzle
- The Helicopter Cube - Twisty puzzle solution
- The Hungarian Rings puzzle solution
- Ivy Cube Twisty Puzzle - Overview and How to Solve?
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Kilominx Twisty Puzzle - Overview - How to solve?
- The Megaminx - How To Solve It With The Beginner's Method
- NeoCubes - Neodymium Magnetic Ball Puzzle Toys
- Non-twisty puzzles: Snake, Hanayama, Babylon and more
- Pyraminx Puzzle - Overview and the Easiest Solution
- The Redi Cube Puzzle - An overview and solution tutorial
- Rubik's Cheese Puzzle - Overview and Solution Tutorial
- The Rubik’s Clock Puzzle Solution Guide
- Rubik's Cube Sticker Mods And Picture Cubes
- The Rubik's Magic and Rubik's Master Magic
- Rubik's Snake or Rubik's Twist folding puzzle solution
- The Rubik's UFO - Puzzle Solution Tutorial
- Siamese Twisty Puzzles - Rubik's Cube Modding
- Skewb - Beginner's Solution Guide
- Sliding 15-Puzzle - Simulator and solution
- Smart Egg Labyrinth Puzzle Toy
- Square-1 Cube Puzzle - An overview and Beginner's Solution
- Starminx - dodecahedron shaped twisty puzzle
- 3x3x1 Rubik's Cube: The Floppy Cube and Super Floppy Cube
- Twisty Puzzle Modding - Shape Mods
- Void Cube Solution and Other Holey Twisty Puzzles
- Competition For Cubers
- Cube 3x3 Competition - Supporting Cubing & Creativity
- Cube 3x3 Competition - Supporting Cubing & Creativity
- About The Cube 3x3 Competition
- Adrian Gian Barredo - Why I started cubing - Cube 3x3
- Angelo B. Noscal - The $1 Cube
- Anonymous From Canada - How I Met The Cube
- Why I Started Cubing - Cube 3x3 Competition
- How I started cubing - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Anonymous from USA - Why I Started Cubing
- My story of how I started cubing
- The "Temporal" Rubik Cube inside the Planning of Forests - Arnaldo Satoru Gunzi
- Aryaansh Rathore - A funny story about the Rubik's Cube
- Aryaansh Rathore - My most favourite puzzle
- Asa Grigsby - Why I started Cubing
- Asa Grigsby - Why I started Cubing
- Asa Grigsby - My Favorite MyPuzzle
- Benjamin Voller-Brown - Summer Cube challenge
- Page has moved
- Benjamin Voller-Brown's Favorite Cuber, Roshan
- Best selling magic cube to unlock magic power - Aryaansh Rathore
- C.J. Charlebois - An Easter Cube
- Cameron Pester - How I met the Rubik's Cube
- Why I Started Cubing - by Vidhur Jagadeesh
- Dakshansh Chawda Why I started cubing
- Dakshansh Chawda - How I met the cube
- How did I get into puzzle solving - Daniel Avichail
- Daniel Evans - A funny story about the Rubik's Cube
- Daphne Qin - Cube 3x3 - Big Summer Challenge
- Devin Callahan USA - How I Met The Cube
- How I Met The Cube - By Devin Callahan
- Why Dominic Started Cubing - Cube 3x3 Competition
- My favorite cuber is Jared Stinson aka El3ctr0CuberZZ
- Eli Jay, UK - Cube 3x3 Cubing Contest
- How I met the cube 4 years ago - Eric Lee
- Ethan Shaw - How I met the Cube
- How I met the cube - Ethan Wright
- My Favorite Cuber: 343 -JrCuber -Crazy Bad Cuber -Nathan Wilson -Cubeorithms
- My Favorite Cuber - by Andy Liu
- Rajan Patel - Cube 3x3 Competition
- My Favorite Cuber: Steven Brundage - Cube 3x3
- My Favorite Cubers - by Vidhur Jagadeesh
- My favorite puzzle, the Ghost Cube
- My Favorite Puzzle, the Megaminx - by Marissa Baney
- My Favorite Puzzle by Rajan Patel - Cube 3x3
- My Favorite Puzzles - Vidhur Jagadeesh - Cube 3x3 Competition
- My Favorite Twisty Puzzle: The Kibiminx - by Toby Perlstadt
- My favourite cuber: FELIKS ZEMDEGS - by Aryaansh Rathore
- TH - Cube 3x3 Competition
- A funny story with the cube - by Andy Liu, Canada
- A Funny Story about the Rubik's Cube - by Eric Lee
- A Funny Story About the Cube - by Otto
- A funny story about the cube - Or, the tile that ruined everything
- A Funny Story about Cubing by Vidhur Jagadeesh
- A funny story about the Rubik's Cube - by Dominic, Philippines
- Me and Cubing - Hargun Singh Tikku
- Anonymous from USA - Cube 3x3 Competition
- How I met the cube - article by 19, Belgium
- How I Met The Cube 3x3
- How I Met the Rubik's Cube - article by Aedan Bryant
- How I met the cube - by Aryaansh Rathore
- How I met the cube - by Benjamin Voller-Brown
- How I met the cube - by Daniel Evans
- How I met the cube - by John Dahl
- How I Met The Cube - Story by Marlon Somersall
- How I met the Cube - Article by MJ for Cube 3x3 Competition
- How Robert McLane met the Rubik's Cube
- How I Met the Cube - by Sarthak Mangla
- How I Met the Cube - Vidhur Jagadeesh, USA
- Why I started cubing Daniel Evans - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Article removed
- Why I started cubing? - written by George Chen
- Why I Started Cubing - John Dahl - Cube 3x3
- Why I started cubing - Marlon Somersall
- Toby Perlstadt - Why I started Cubing
- How I Met The Cube - By Igor Krainović, Croatia
- How I met the cube - by Ishaan Preet Singh Ahluwalia
- Gavin Claypool - How I met the cube
- Jack Dvorak - A Funny Story about the Rubik's Cube
- How I Met the Rubik's Cube - by Jackson Breit
- Jai O'Connor - 02OCON2017 - How I Met The Cube
- Jared Hirt - How I Met The Cube
- Jayden Smith - Why I started cubing - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Jakob Burkett - Cube 3x3
- John Churchill Dizon - Why I Started Cubing
- How I Met the Rubik's Cube by John Evans
- Joshua Í Brekkunum - How I met the cube
- JP Fortaleza - How I Came Across Cubing
- Kaidrich Keolo Pobre - Cube 3x3 Competition
- How I met the cube - by Karen Lee, Hong Kong
- Kaustubh Patil and Naveen Tomlinson - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Lance Ventula - A Funny Story About the Rubik’s Cube
- How I met the cube - by Luke Abram
- Marina (10) - Entry for the Rubik's Cube contest
- Matej Chytrý - Why I started cubing
- Maury Gorospe - My cubing life
- Mervyn Teo Ye Hang - Cube 3x3 Entry
- Once upon a time... By Mikael Soh
- Why I started cubing - Write and Win Competition
- My Favourite Cuber - By MJ, Cube 3x3 Competition
- My favourite puzzle - Cube 3x3 Competition
- My Favorite 3x3 Rubik's Cube - by Benjamin Voller-Brown
- Nicholas Grotenhuis - The start of my cubing career
- Nick Wright - My Favorite Cuber
- How I met the Cube / Why I started Cubing - by Nick Wright
- Nikita - Entry for the online Rubiks' Cube competition
- Noah Mac - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Noah Mac's favorite cube, the Pyraminx
- My favourite puzzle, the Pyraminx - Marlon Somersall
- The Race That Changed Everything - by Benjamin Voller-Brown
- RF - Why I started cubing
- The Big Summer Challenge - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Example Solution for The Big Summer Cube 3x3 Challenge
- Rubik’s Cube Beginnings By: Drew Ford
- Round1: Write and Win Twisty Puzzles - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Ryan Wu - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Why I started cubing - by Saga Angwald, Sweden
- How I Met The Cube - by Sammy Worlda
- How I met the cube - By Sam - Rubik's Cube 3x3 Competition
- Example Solution for The Big Summer Challenge
- Announcing the winner of the second round
- Shashank Naik - A Funny Story About The Rubik's Cube
- Shashank Naik - Why I started cubing
- How Shashank Naik Met the Rubik's Cube
- Shashank Naik - My Favourite Cuber
- Shashank's favorite puzzles: Pyraminx, Rubiks' Cube, 4x4, Square-1
- The Power of The Cube - written by Benjamin Voller-Brown
- How I met the cube - Thomas Beckwith
- Timo Norrkniivilä, Finland - Rubik's Cube Competition
- How I Met the Cube - by Toby Perlstadt
- Twigs - Jesse Rosner
- Two Funny Stories About the Cube - by Toby Perstadt
- Tyeson Bouaphaseuth - A Funny Cube Story
- The Weirdest (and funniest) cubing day of my life - Sol Sutter
- Winner of the $100 Puzzle Bundle - First Round of Cube 3x3 Competition
- A funny story about the cube - By Yohaan Master, Singapore
- My Favourite Cuber, a YouCuber - by Danial Azam
- My Favorite Speed Cuber: Yu Da Hyun
- Yusuf Serhat Altýnyüzük - Cube 3x3 Competition
- Zachariah Nowakiwskyj - Cube 3x3 Summer Challenge
- Interactive 3D Rubik's Cube Widget
- 3D Rubik's Cube Notation Widget
- Rubik's Cube Notation
- Twisty puzzle sticker counter
- Rubik's Quiz
- Rubik Solver - Large
- Rubik Solver - Landscape Mode
- Rubik's Cube Solver - Small Size For Mobile
- RubikSolver XXL
- Rubiks Cube Scramble Generator
- Rubiks Cube Scramble Generator XL
- Rubik's Cube Timer
- Rubik's Cube Timer - Large
- Rubik's Cube Timer
- Small Rubik's Cube Timer
- Rubik's Cube Timer - XL
- Rubik's Cube Timer XXL